The HVS-2000 camera selector and special effects generator is designed for switching and superimposing two video sources. For example: two cameras, one a black-and-white with an external sync capability (example: model HVM-100) and another compatible color camera. While recording the picture with the color camera, titles, graphics or other video information may be inserted into the picture using the black and white camera. Superimposed information can be keyed to appear in one of six colors and the effect can be reversed. Levels and fades for the images and colors are accomplished with slide lever potentiometers. Pause control and tape run of the recording can be executed from the unit. Inserts can be performed on prerecorded material as a playback source. Separate monitor out plug with selectable viewing options. Operates on 110 volts AC or 12 volts DC (when using the DCC-16AW power cord). Accepts cameras with Sony K-type (14-pin) connectors or others with an adapter. The HVS-2000 powers the cameras through its K-type connectors.