There are a number of ways that this VCR can be operated remotely. On the rear are two REMOTE connection locations. Designated as REMOTE 1 is the 33-pin type RCC-5C parallel socket shown on the left above. It accepts devices with the 33-pin or 20-pin connectors. The RCC-5C accepts various wired controllers (optional) like the ones found in the "Betamax Accessories" section of my SIte. The VCR powers these remotes and it in turn operates the VCR. Most of the important functions are duplicated but usually not all. It depends on the model remote used. To open the "Wired Controllers" and examine the various remotes that can be used click here. (You will be able to come back.) Right of this are two phono type jacks designated as REMOTE 2 that are used for a making a daisy chain array of duplicators using a RM-S18 remote console (optional). It sends the Sony LANC code (same as used for their infrared remotes) to the VCR. The console is connected using either phono plug. The remaining plug is used for connecting another to SLO-1800 using its remote 2 location. They can be linked together this way for controlling of up to 50 units simultaneously. The operations that can be controlled are recording, playback, stop, pause, fast-forward, rewind, Betascan, eject and audio monitor select (Hi-Fi or normal). The RM-S18 is powered separately using a 9 volt adapter and has an ON/OFF switch.
To read a history of the remote control click here.