1. Why
should I purchase from your online store (or send you my Beta VCR for service or repair)? |
A. Experience, selection, quality and simplicity. Before you entrust
a third party with your precious Beta machine and your money is very important that you feel confident and secure. I have prepared a in-depth discussion that answers specific questions about my business that will help eliminate any distrust and anxiety. To open this special panel called "Ordering Online" please click here.
2. Can I still use the original analog tuner in my Betamax now that broadcasting has changed over to digital. |
A. Absolutely
yes. The tuner in your Betamax will still receive analog
(not digital) broadcasts. Many areas of the country still have some special interest analog regular programming. But for digital reception a simple converter that supports analog (currently being sold across the USA) would need to
be connected to your VCR. To see the converter and the connection options
click here.
3. Do you sell the factory remotes that came with the Beta VCRs? |
A. I DO NOT sell the original wired commanders or infrared (IR) remotes that came standard with the VCRs. These are supplied with my refurbished units. I do sell special purpose wired controllers, wireless (IR) adapters, cassette winders, switchers, creative tools, connection converters, media editors and much more. Check out my |
4. Do
you sell factory original owner or instruction manuals? |
A. No. I keep my finest originals for duplication. They
are slightly yellowed from age by now or might have some frayed edges. These are Ideal for copying, but not for offering to customers or including in my refurbished units. My reproductions are bright, crisp and
precise. To open the panel for ordering replacement manuals click here. |
5. Are
the reproduction instruction or owners manuals you offer exact duplicates? |
A. No.
Manuals that are in full color would be too expensive to duplicate cost effectively.
The cover will be in color and the interior in black and
white. Black and white manuals are almost exact duplicates. To open
a panel that explains how my manuals are duplicated click here. To open
the form to order replacement manuals click here. |
6. Do
you sell the factory service manuals? |
A. No,
but if you need a particular piece of information from a service manual
I will try to find it and arrange for you to have it. |
7. Do
you sell original Beta brochures or literature? |
A. No,
but if you request something I have, I may be able to make a copy available
to you. |
8. Do
you sell parts? |
A. No. Over the years I have spent substantial time and money buying out the inventories of closed repair stations, wholesale suppliers and duplication centers. I did this so I could continue to support the Beta format. All of the parts that I presently have in stock are being retained for future Beta refurbishing and repair by Misterßetamax. |
9. Are
your refurbished Betas as good as new? |
A. No.
They are restored, repaired, reconditioned and refurbished to as close to factory new as economically feasible. In many cases there are modifications and upgrades made to them that improve their operation and reliability. |
10. Will
you refurbish my Beta and how much does it cost? |
A. Refurbishing customer supplied units is not a service that I offer. It is only performed on the items and devices that are available for purchase through my Website. During refurbishing the Beta VCR is restored to as new as is practically possible. It is an intense, methodical and dedicated process. It is explained in detail in this Website. To go there click here. (This page will be replaced.) All the items for purchase in my Website are either fully upgraded refurbished or new old stock. Almost as good is the customer repair and reconditioning service I provide, but without the external detailing. Servicing is the most effective way to restore your VCRs original operating prowess. As part of this overhaul the Beta VCR is thoroughly cleaned internally, tested, adjusted and lubricated. The upper drum is also resurfaced to restore its original frictional characteristics and the pinch roller is cleaned and restored. The guides, tension arm and reels are renewed or replaced and the tape path is verified. If alignment is required it is covered in the cost of the reconditioning. This service presently is only $89.00. Any repairs needed are not part of this general service. If the unit is to be repaired you would receive an estimate before any additional service is performed. To schedule this this needed routine maintenance click here. For a table showing the large selection of refurbished Betas VCRs I offer for purchase click here. |
11. Do
you offer a money back guarantee? |
A. No,
but I do offer a "same as the factory" 90 day warranty. To see it click here. |
12. How do I make a warranty claim? |
A. Simply e-mail me that your item is not performing as you think it should. I will respond back with either steps to take to eliminate the problem or a request that it be returned for repair. If possible please use the same cartons you received the item in when it was shipped to you. If you didn't retain the cartons please take care that it is safely packaged for the return trip. See: "SHIPPING YOUR BETA" for the proper method for boxing up your item. Please remember that your Beta is rare and precious, and in many cases irreplaceable. You will be responsible for the shipping charges in almost all cases. |
13. If
I email you a list of the problems my Beta is having can you help me repair
it? |
A. I
will do what I can to research problems presented to me by Beta enthusiasts.
My help is going to limited by time restraints and reality. Repairs, in most instances, require the physical examination
and testing of the unit using special equipment. In many instances just
knowing what causes a symptom and what circuits are involved is not
enough to pinpoint a problem. |
14. If
I email you a list of the problems my Beta is having can you tell me how
much it will cost to get it fixed? |
A. It
is not practical to remotely diagnose a problem because there are so many variables. The only way to obtain
an accurate repair estimate is through a hands-on examination. For information
how to obtain an estimate go to "GETTING IT REPAIRED" in this Website or click here. I also have compiled a list with most of the troubleshooting tips found in the instruction manuals. To go to that list click here.
15. How
much does a repair estimate cost? |
A. Your initial payment of $89.00 includes an estimate charge of $49.00 and $40.00 for my reconditioning service (see question 10 above). If the estimate is excepted the full $89.00 will be applied to the repair. If you elect not to proceed the $49.00 is deducted and the remaining $40.00 is applied to return shipping, which is not included in the original payment. To initiate
a repair request click here. |
16. Once you receive my VCR how long does it take before I receive an estimate? |
A. It
varies with each circumstance, but usually just a couple of days. |
17. Do you
recondition and repair all brands of Beta VCRs? |
A. I
embrace all manner of Betas. This includes, but is not limited too, standard Beta, SuperBeta, Betahi-fi,
SuperBetahi-fi and ED Beta (Extended Definition) machines. But please note: some models are now too old to be reliably repaired and reconditioned. These I no longer work on. To see a list of the Betas that I currently repair click here. |
18. Do
you repair VHS VCRs or any other type of TV recording equipment? |
A. No.
Beta is my only business. |
19. Do
you repair Betacam or BetacamSP machines? |
A. No.
Beta is my only business.
20. Will
you purchase my Beta VCR should I decide not to proceed after the estimate?
A. I
am always adding to my inventory and customers are a particularly good
source of supply. Plus a past favorable experience generates an atmosphere
of fair exchange and trust. Good business practices and economics however
dictates what I can buy, refurbish and sell for a profit. If an item
shows to have little or no interest at an online auction, then most
likely it will not be a good candidate for me to purchase. To be successful
I must limit my purchases to those items that are the most appealing
to the very selective and demanding Beta market. |
21. How
long does it take for you to recondition a Beta machine? |
A. It
varies depending on the condition and type of machine, from several days
to over a week. |
22. Do
you accept trade-ins or buy Beta VCRs, cameras and accessories? |
A. Yes, it is another good way for me to acquire products to sell. Almost all items
offered in my Website are either refurbished or new and come with a
90 day warranty. Any item I acquire in a trade or outright purchase is going to require an investment in time, parts and labor before it can
be offered for sale. Some items can command a higher price or greater value while some will only qualify as parts units. The difference can sometimes be a sizable amount. Desirability and condition also plays a big role. To investigate a trade or to sell an item please take a few
seconds and submit the "SELL, TRADE OR WANT" form. Be sure to
fill in all the spaces provided and pay special attention to the part about including
the condition of your item and how much you expect to receive for it. Open the form by clicking
here. There is a panel in the "BETA REFURBISHING" section that can be used as a guide for evaluating a
Beta machine. To open it click here. |
A. Yes, keep in mind that
each case is reviewed and handled individually. |
24. Why
don't you list the number of Betas you have in your inventory in your pricing
pages? |
A. My
inventory is constantly changing. Items are always being refurbished
and added. To maintain a current accounting of every Beta would be time
consuming and impracticle. If the price page makes note that the item
is in short supply this should be interpreted as meaning less than three
are available. |
25. Do
you rent Beta VCRs? |
A. Yes. I have a special modified SuperBetahi-fi VCR that is available just for this purpose.
Click on the "RENTING A BETAMAX" link in the button array in my Website or click here. (This page will be replaced with the rental start page.) |
26. Do
you sell adapters or patch cords? |
A. Only
those specialty items that perform a particular type of function related to Beta. Check out "Betamax Accessories" to examine these items. Common
RF cords, patch cords and line adapters of a general nature can usually
be obtained at a local electronics shop, so I don't offer them. |
27. Do
you offer special quantity discounts? |
A. Yes.
Use the "Special Services" form to request special pricing
by clicking here. |
28. Do
you offer a payment plan? |
A. Not
at this time. |
29. Is
it acceptable to send cash for a purchase? |
A. I
wouldn't advise sending cash unless the amount is small. |
30. Do
you accept personal, business checks or credit cards? |
Personal, business or government checks are NOT accepted. The ONLY accepted payment methods
for all merchandise purchases are Postal Money orders, money orders,
certified checks, Cashier's checks, treasury drafts or Paypal. Please note: PayPal
is not accepted as payment for reconditioning estimates. |
31. Where
can I purchase money orders or Cashiers checks? |
A. Cashiers
checks are usually acquired from a bank. Money orders are readily available
from the Post Office, Western Union, grocery store, money center, fast food mart, message
services or bank. |
32. How
much does your double boxing and packing add to the shipping weight
of the Beta VCR? |
A. The dimensions and weights for the boxes I commonly use are as follows. Interior box is 20x20x8 inches and the external box is 24x24x12. The approximate weight for both plus packing is
thirteen pounds fourteen ounces. |
33. Where
can I locate the dimensions or weight for my Beta? |
A. These are usually found in the items owners manual. I have compiled a special table that has those details. To open a panel with weights and measurements for the
Beta VCRs and accessories click here. |
34. Where
can I buy or obtain packaging supplies? |
A. Shipping
cartons and boxes can be purchased from packaging centers, parcel shipping
firms, moving companies, office supply stores and the US Post Office. Many of these places will
also can supply packing materials (bubble wrap, packing peanuts, labels,
etc.). |
35. Do
you custom wind special lengths of Beta cassettes? |
A. No, but I have a number of unique length cassettes that are available in my "NEW BETA CASSETTES section. Click on "SPECIAL LENGTHS on the lower right after opening.
36. Is
there an adapter that will allow me to play my Beta tapes in a VHS machines?
A. No.
The drum size and tape speeds are different so even if you loaded your Beta tape into
a VHS shell it would not produce a recognizable image. |
37. Do
you copy Beta to VHS or DVD? |
A. I do not
offer a service for copying Beta to DVD. But I do offer you information about how is done. Go to "COPYING BETA TO DVD" in the links in the right button array to learn more. I also do not copy VHS to DVD or Beta to VHS but there are a number of companies
that do. They can be found on
the internet. A word of caution though. Investigate the company you select and
get firm assurances that you will get your precious tapes returned to you in good
condition. I also recommend that you examine the first question in the
"Ask: MisterBetamax" section prior to committing your tapes
to DVD. |
38. How are the winders you sell better than the |
A. The winders I sell use two methods to lower the energy needed to halt the winding action. The Sony rewinder detects the foil leader just like the VCR does and is therefore the best at protecting your tapes. It will also fully erase them if you desire. The only drawback is it only rewinds, no fast forward. To examine the different winders available click here. The other units I offer use a long-belt and pendulum to slow and stop the action. They work in the following manner. Each uses a motor with a dual belt reduction system that drives both the cassette supply reel (when winding) and the take-up reel (when going fast forward). The motor drives a pulley that drives a secondary belt that in turn rotates the reels. The secondary belt is long, soft and flexible and it goes through a set of idlers that are located on a pendulum assembly. It can swing left or right which will move a lever (or catch) riding on a ramp. When triggered it releases the cassette receiver and stops the winding motor. As the effort increases near the end of the winding process the pendulum begins to ride up the ramp and approaches the point where very little force is required to trip the catch and stop the action. Because the belt driving the reels is long and flexible it absorbs most of the energy needed to halt the process. The common |
39. Do
you manufacture your own video tape? |
A. No.
To become a manufacturer of video tape would require an investment of millions in revenue.
I do offer loaded cassettes that contain premium quality tape that meets my
stringent standards. This gives me the freedom to reject any product
that I consider to be inferior.
40. How
often do you update you Site? |
A. It
is constantly being modified and updated, almost daily. |
41. Is
it okay to copy the images in your Website? |
A. Not
without my express permission. All material is covered by my general
copyright or by third party infringement laws. See the "Business Statement" page for more information
about stealing intellectual properties or click here. |
42. Does
visiting your Site put any cookies, spam, viruses, Trojan horses, ransom ware or spyware
on my computer? |
A. Absolutely not. One cookie is stored in your browser to prevent duplication
of events within the index page, and that is all. It is very small and
is automatically erased when you leave my Site or close your browser.
Nothing remains. I am very aware that temporary files (as well as malware)
can do more than just annoy you, they can slow down or destroy your
computing experience. |
43. How is the proper way to dispose of expired rechargeable batteries? |
A. Batteries that no longer accept a charge should be properly recycled. They can usually be taken to an electronic store, hardware store or recycling center for processing. This is the responsible thing to do and will help save our planet. DO NOT dispose of them in the trash, send them to the landfill or put them in an incinerator. Burning them presents a fire hazard, is dangerous and will cause them to explode. |
44. Where
can I locate the meanings or explanations for the components, terms
and acronyms that appear within your Site? |
A. Search
for the term you require by using the "TERMS" link located
at the bottom of this page or click here. |
45. Do you offer any universal remotes? | A. No. These are something best acquired from your local electronics store. |
What does the NTSC mean in the Beta logo? |
A. Unless
otherwise noted in the item's description all the Beta products found within
this Website were manufactured to operate on the USA NTSC 3.58 broadcasting standard.
The NTSC in the Beta logo is a reminder. |