With the oscilloscope connected as before we play the tracking section of the alignment tape and reduce the waveform amplitude by 60% from maximum and observe the image shape. If it remained flat (as in the upper right) it would indicate that the path is correct. But for the purposes of this exercise it is assumed that it did not and therefor adjustment is needed. Looking at the upper left corner of the illustration you see that to prepare for adjustment the guides number seven and eight are raised very slightly. The illustration from the manual shows this to be an approximate gap of 0.3 - 0.5mm. The intent here is to allow the tape to float a little and run free. Doing this indicates how much the adjustment is off by how much the tape tries to wander around over the ACE head. Caution is advised to not let it travel too much or it will curl up or ride too high or too low, this can damage the tape. If it floats smooth and even and the waveform resembles the middle scope photo when the tracking is turned from minimum to maximum set the guides back down to the point of no curl and call it good. The graphs (a) and (b) just to the left of the waveforms are representations of this from the service manuals. Next the tape is reverse scanned to see if it remains stable across the ACE. If it does not loosen the locking screw on the number nine guide and change its height accordingly to produce the proper travel. With no up or down crawl and no curl at either the top or bottom of the guides. If all goes well lock it down with the set screw. The scope pictures from the top are: tracking correct, middle with guides raised and bottom reducing the tracking with guides raised. If the waveform becomes distorted or If it can't be made to run stable then tilt would have to be adjusted. That is the next step ADJUSTING ACE TILT, click here. To go back to the previous page click here ![]() ![]() ©Misterßetamax go to homepage |