Pictured here are some routine corrections and modifications. When required these are performed as part of a repair or during refurbishing. They are as follows, starting with the top left. There are two devices shown. One is a cassette loader and the other a threading gearbox. They are used to accept a cassette and then load the tape. Both use a plastic drive gear to make a universal joint. These commonly crack and then repair is needed. Clicking on these devices in the illustration replaces this page with a new one featuring a discussion on what a universal drive gear is and its repair. You will be able to come back to this page. In the picture on the top right is a video drum (shown upside down). It basically is a motor that spins the video heads. It sometimes dies, locks locks up or becomes erratic. Click the drum to find out how it is repaired. Below the drum is the capstan that pulls the tape through the machine. This design always gets new capacitors (because the original surface mounted ones leak). Click on it to see the repair. In the center is a LED type VU meter that commonly has sections that do not light up. It is disassembled and the defective ones are replaced. The video drum static upgrade is only performed on certain models to supplement the ground. Consult this models description for which of these services apply. Also open the TO PURCHASE panel for a list of pertinent included items. Click on the items in the picture to open a discussion on that service procedure.

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