If the guides require cleaning cut out a small square of the abrasive cloth material and moisten it sparingly with solvent. Clean guides two and three using a gentle pulling and pushing motion, see photo below right. If the metal pin located in the tension arm (number one guide) is dirty or has a shiny flat spot worn on it, use the abrasive cloth to lightly burnish the surface. Hold the arm firmly with your finger and rub the mild abrasive cloth (dry) over the pin several times as shown in photo below left. Consult the graphic under the pictures to locate guides four, seven, eight and ten. Clean these guides with the chamois or cotton swabs. The abrasive cloth may be used if they show any wear. Guides (rollers) five and nine should be carefully cleaned in a similar manner but don't use the cloth on these. Once these steps are completed go to the next panel.
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For more information on the capstan, open these links in FIND: Cleaning chart and Tension arm. |