This style capstan used in many late model Sony VCRs has surface mounted capacitors. Over time caps start to leak electrolytic fluid. It is caustic and it eats away the copper circuits printed underneath. Click on the photo and you can see in the upper right the liquid crawling out from beneath the caps. Unfortunately this gunk crawls around and eats the copper. You can see this in the center of the picture where most of the fluid has been cleared away. These circuit traces are damaged and enough can cause the capstan to fail. As the capacitors start to go bad they change their properties. White lines and sparks begin to appear in the playback video. Sometimes a pop can be heard in the audio. Left uncorrected it will eventually fail and many times it cannot be repaired. In the next picture we see another angle of the damaged board plus a pile of leaking surface mounted caps. The next picture shows the start of repair to a capstan that can be saved. All the trash has been removed and a jumper wire is soldered in place. This bridges the open circuit and restore operation. The next picture shows the capstan with new radial capacitors ready for years of new service. All Betas refurbished by yours truly have the old surface caps replace with new. You probably noticed the controller IC made Toshiba. It is common for makers to purchase from one another. This helps keep the cost down by avoiding duplication of manufacture. To go to the other modifications and improvements click here.

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