BetaSkipscan is a very special function that makes it possible to drop in and view the tape as it is being rewound or fast forwarded. This is a convenient way to quickly find a particular location or scene within a recording. The picture is accelerated but viewable as it quickly moves by. To request this function simply press the forward or reverse buttons a second time on the VCR or the remote. Releasing the buttons returns the tape to the regular winding speed. Depending on the machine when this feature is operated the tape will slow down from the winding speed and the machine will construct a picture while it is passing by the video drum. Others will momentarily stop the tape and then go into the BetaScan mode. The quality of the recognizable picture in BetaSkipscan mode varies depending on the machine and the speed at which the tape was recorded. For example it might not be able to produce as good a picture with a tape recorded in as it does for one in . Beta VCRs were able to do this feature almost from the very beginning because the tape stays in the path all of the time.

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