The Sencore all format VCR analyzer simplifies the testing of various operations of most consumer video units on the market. By utilizing the different test leads, controls and a test tape the unit can analyze the condition of the servo circuits that operate the video drum and capstan for speed errors, jitter and synchronous locking on signal. Allowable tolerances are displayed and a malfunction is indicated if the tested values are out of range. An interpretation chart is displayed in the background of the above picture. A tested failure in any area indicates the need for a repair or correction. The unit can be used as a troubleshooting instrument to isolate the problem area within a circuit and aid in the circuits repair. Characteristics of the various sections being test are published in the reference material accompanying the analyzer and help with the diagnosis. To test video circuitry the unit can inject luminance, chroma and drive signal into the various related circuits to test those areas as well. Measurement of (FM) Hi-Fi circuits are also possible along with diagnosis and troubleshooting. Click on the picture to see the various outcomes of the testing of the servo circuits using the test tape. Another click will show the reference manual. here.
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