Let's look at the graphic for video and audio once again. One important function that you don't see listed is motor control. The reason for this omission is that even though it is very important to the operation of any video recorder it doesn't require signal conversion to function. The motors used for the video drum and capstan are certainly important the incoming and outgoing video picture but they are controlled separately. Because of this we can deal with them independently and then show how they are integrated into the overall performance of the VCR. This is what we are going to do now.
First let's look at what happens when a recording takes place because it will help in understanding of why precise motor function is so important. Please click on the picture. Here we see two illustrations of the actual tracks that are recorded on a Beta video tape. In the background is a highly magnified representation of how the tiny magnetic particles would look after being energized by the various recording heads (shown in Beta III speed). The illustration in the center shows the same thing but in a line drawing. At the top edge of both is the audio track. Along the bottom edge is the control track and in the center is the scanner tracks (the ones at an angle). For all three speeds used in the Beta format it is imperative that the tape travel through the tape path in a regulated smooth manner. For good audio recording and reproduction the capstan motor has to pull the tape past the head at the same speed during both recording and playback. (Keep in mind that for this discussion we are only concerned about the linear or what Sony calls the normal audio track, Betahi-fi is something completely different and will be explained later.) If this were a audio recorder only the operator would set the speed for both recording and playback. But with video recorders, as you know, only the recording speed can be chosen, playback speed is automatic (selected by the machine). So how does the capstan manage to run so well regulated? Early Betamaxes could rely on the 60 cycles coming from the AC house current provided by the power company. Slight deviations were smoothed out by the use of a mass flywheel driven by a belt coming off of a capstan motor. But this system was flawed. Rubber belts slip, get old, stretch and are subject to temperature so the system was quickly changed to one where the rotation was controlled by the vibrations of a crystal clock.

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How does the Betamovie, with a video drum half the size of a standard Beta, manage to remain compatible? To find out click here.
Would you like to examine how electrical heads are able to operate when they are mounted on a rotating or spinning disk? If so, click here.
Maybe your asking yourself now what is the big deal about the video signal needing such a large recording area. What exactly is this frequency thing and why does it have to be so high or so big? Understanding radio and television signals (electromagnetic waves) seems like a perplexing question but it's really easy, so if you would like to know more click here.
Would you like to examine how electricity and magnetism work together to make recording possible. (This one takes you back to the very first panel on basic electricity.) To go there, click here.

If you would you like to skip this section altogether and go forward on to the next panel "Innovative Betamax" click here.